Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer Fun

Now that my kids are older I love the summer time. When they were younger and needed constant supervision and awakened at 6:30 a.m. I used to count down the days I had left of the school year. All that has changed. Yesterday was a perfect example of what I want summer to be like and should be like when you are a kid. I took Michael and his friend Robbie bowling and then they invited some friends (girls included) over to play Rock Band on the Wi. (for those of you who don't have a Wi or a teen it's a game where you play the drums , the guitar or sing and it's kind of like Karoke, but cooler) After rockin out they went over to my friend Lori's house and she took them to the lake where they swam, hung out and ate pizza. I called about 9:00 and they were jumping on the trampoline and Lori brought them home around ten. They all looked so cute with their messed up hair and relaxed smiles. It made me happy to see them being kids. That is what summer is all about. Just going with the flow and hanging out. When is the last time as adults we woke up with no plans for the day but managed to spend it having a great time with our friends? It is such a shame we lose some of that as we get older. The dishes need to be done, the clothes washed and all that good stuff but we need to try every now and then to just cut loose and let all that go for a day. Just have some fun the next time you get a chance. I give you permission to act like you are on school break with no worries. Let me know how it goes!!!

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