Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Anonymous Wussies....

make me angry. Apparently my previous blog offended some people. For those of you that know me you know that I am a physical therapist assistant and have devoted the last fifteen years of my life to rehabilitating folks with all manners of disabilities and deficits. I love what I do. I also blog. I blog for fun and about my life experiences. I experience many things and view them in my own perspective. The blogs are never meant to offend but when they do I don't mind taking the heat. You just like me have opinions and I respect that. What I don't respect it the person that judges me, writes an email with their opinion and then doesn't have the strength of their convictions to post their name. Say what you want about me but everything I blog about I do so openly. I don't hide behind my computer. So for those people that want to have a dialogue with me regarding a post I welcome you. For those that just want to cowardly judge me and not leave your name, shame on you. Obviously the matter doesn't mean enough to you to take the heat so maybe you should stay out of the kitchen..or off the computer.

1 comment:

Janet said...

No, I'm not the anonymous wussie! :) Ever since I met you, I've been impressed with your command of storytelling and your ability to find humor in both the mundane and the tragic. Your blog is yours alone to express your thoughts as you wish. There are plenty of blogs out in the www that are offensive, and I don't believe yours is meant to be one of those. Please keep your posts coming Kim. I was thrilled to find that you've got some new ones. You make me laugh!